Wednesday, February 28, 2007


so this week has been absolutely crazy with school, and i am sorry i haven't posted anything in some time... We went to canterbury on friday morning and spent the day there. it was about a 3 hour drive on the coach bus and we just spent the day taking a tour of the cathedral and the st. augustine's abbey... it was gorgeous and i will put pictures up soon, but my camera is dead and i cannot put them on until it is charged. i head for scotland tomorrow so i probably wont put pictures up till i get back and ill just do it all at once! i hope you all are doing well!! love yall!!

1 comment:

  1. We had cousins lunch Monday and missed you! I wish we could all come to Scotland and have lunch with you there! You should go to the William Wallace museum. It's awesome! I had never seen Braveheart, so after we got back from Scotland, we rented it. It was so cool to see it after having just been there!


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